I had to go out of town to 2 facility in different towns yesterday afternoon. I headed to Syracuse and it started raining, but then it wouldn't be Syracuse if it wasn't raining. It always seems to rain when Tina and I go to Syracuse. Well I was by myself this time, and I am glad I was. After seeing a kid in Syracuse, I moved on to Auburn. I love that drive along the lake in the summer.
Once I got hit Cortland, the rain got harder and pounded the highway. It was so hard to see-and that is why I am glad I was alone, because I would be nervous being responsible for someone else's life in that weather.
My coworker called to check on me and said it was getting really bad back home; streets were closing and she couldn't home. I have to go her way to get home so I knew I wouldn't be able to. I took the highway. So was everyone else. I passed many streets flooded with cars in them.
I thought, how did we not see this coming, but the rain came so fast and had no place to go. My coworker/friend was flooded in June; her basement was totally under water. It came inches from going into her 1st floor living area. She lost everything in the basement including a washer, dryer, hot water tank and furnace. She had it replaced; the furnace was $6,000 alone. She called me crying last night. The water was back and 2 steps from the 1st floor. All she just replaced was under water again. I was stuck on a road watching a river run through someone's backyard.
I had a terrible time getting home myself and there's more to that, but it was a small inconvenience compared to what everyone else lost. Again.