Friday, November 17, 2006

how did I miss it

I had to go out of town to 2 facility in different towns yesterday afternoon. I headed to Syracuse and it started raining, but then it wouldn't be Syracuse if it wasn't raining. It always seems to rain when Tina and I go to Syracuse. Well I was by myself this time, and I am glad I was. After seeing a kid in Syracuse, I moved on to Auburn. I love that drive along the lake in the summer.
Once I got hit Cortland, the rain got harder and pounded the highway. It was so hard to see-and that is why I am glad I was alone, because I would be nervous being responsible for someone else's life in that weather.
My coworker called to check on me and said it was getting really bad back home; streets were closing and she couldn't home. I have to go her way to get home so I knew I wouldn't be able to. I took the highway. So was everyone else. I passed many streets flooded with cars in them.
I thought, how did we not see this coming, but the rain came so fast and had no place to go. My coworker/friend was flooded in June; her basement was totally under water. It came inches from going into her 1st floor living area. She lost everything in the basement including a washer, dryer, hot water tank and furnace. She had it replaced; the furnace was $6,000 alone. She called me crying last night. The water was back and 2 steps from the 1st floor. All she just replaced was under water again. I was stuck on a road watching a river run through someone's backyard.
I had a terrible time getting home myself and there's more to that, but it was a small inconvenience compared to what everyone else lost. Again.


Blogger D.B. Echo said...

That's horrible about your friend's basement. Damn. I had my own flooded-streets adventures which I recounted on my blog, but bizarrely enough I didn't get even a trickle of water in my basement.

We got lucky in this area, sort of. The storms were intense but somewhat localized - one place would get massively flooded while another experienced just heavy rain. But the thing is, the areas that got flooded in many cases had never experienced flooding before, while areas that had been ripped to pieces back in June and in the Ivan-related flooding in 2004 got away undamaged. I didn't hear any reports of anyone locally who was flooded for a second time this year, and many of the roads that were damaged this time were different from the roads that were damaged before.

4:55 AM  

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