Sunday, November 05, 2006

just another day

I was a bad girl today, actually this weekend. I should have been doing quilts. I did 9 last week, and have 6 more to do. Instead, I went to the quilt store yesterday, then another today. Today is my birthday, so I spent it in a quilt store, yeah!! So my bother calls to wish me a Happy Birthday and then passes the phone around to the kids. It's so forced; I try to avoid the call every year. So once he gets the words out of his mouth, he proceeds to complain to me about his miserable life. That's why I avoid his calls. He will be 40 in January, his oldest kid is 19 and in college, and my brother and his wife just had a baby in September. They have had the rockiest marriage ever and probably stay together for spite. This is their 5th kid and they can't afford it. My uncle told me the 19 year old is going to go to college at night now so she can watch the new baby in the day since they can't afford daycare. Idiots.


Blogger D.B. Echo said...

I did it again. I managed to miss your birthday. DAMMIT!

Happy Belated Birthday!

7:59 PM  

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