Wednesday, November 22, 2006

it's dead

I was reading a fellow blogger talking about buying a house and how it takes up your cash. I have almost all my Christmas shopping done. Just a few more things to get. I've been working hard this week to get caught up on my Christmas orders. I had one row to go on this quilt that has taken me all day to do and the machine died. Totally. I am sick about it. As I tried to figure out what the problem was, it shut itself off, like the motor blew or something. I dismantled it completed. I will have to go out to the shed by Friday and get the box it came in. I think it weighs 40 pounds. The website said shipping cost could be $100-$ that each way?!? Did I mention I am sick about it. I doubt they will have it back to me before Christmas. Looks like I am out of business for the rest of the year.
I need to go upstairs and pick up all the parts and tools. I dismantled it and walked away. I don't even know if I will be able to get it back together. I am sitting here telling myself it could be worse. Maxine just got flooded again; twice in 5 months and had the 2nd furnace put in Monday. Did I mention I am sick about this.


Blogger rimalicious said...

That is AWFUL. I feel your pain.

10:00 AM  

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