Monday, November 29, 2004

emotions flowing

I have a friend Paul, and he has friends; Dan and Val. They all went to high school together. We used to get together on the weekends and play board games and cards, insult each other and have fun. Dan and Val are wonderful together, she is so nice and he is like a child who needs to be taken care of- in a good way though; spoiled I guess. When he went to college, he lived on campus, and that was across the river in the same town! But they referred to Dan as 'being away at school' and he didn't talk to them during the week!
They had a baby boy about the 1st year I knew Paul- this was about 10 years ago I'd guess. The baby was born with problems and died at 6 months old. Heart breaking. About 4 years ago Val was pregnant again. At 8 months pregnant, she lost the baby; a girl this time. Devastating.
They said they wouldn't go through it again. Who could? During that time, I lost touch with them. Paul was working fulltime and going for his Master's at Marywood on the weekends.
A few months ago we caught up, but things aren't the same. He is know living with a mate and very serious. He told me Val was pregnant and due the end of November, but they weren't going to find out what sex the baby is or do a nursery; they were being very cautious this time.
He called the 14th, Val had the baby; a girl and everything is great...and her name: Grace :-)
I wanted to make her a baby quilt, planned on it the last time. Tonight I rang their doorbell and gave them a bag. They were stunned to see me, I haven't seen them in a few years. They invited me in, said 'don't you want to see her?' YES I said, I was hoping to take a peek. She was sleeping and looks like an angel. I wanted to cry. And I have tears in my eyes as I write this....but why all this emotion....for people I haven't seen in years and wasn't even that close to? Maybe I am genuinely happy for someone who truly deserves it.

Today I went back to work after being off for 9 days.....of course I was dreading it, Mondays are awful, everyone has an emergency after the weekend and we are usually shorthanded. And there is a possible job change looming (irons in the fire). Today was a good day. I usually deal with the client's crisis and take care of the business at hand and have them on their way. I often try to extract the necessary info I need to help them and cut short the life story. I triage cases literally and see the most in my department. This is because I don't let them go on. If I don't need the info, I don't want to hear it and unfortunately, there are many people in the waiting room waiting for their turn to get the services we give; I simply don't have the time.
Not sure what it was today, but I listened more. To people who wanted to tell their story, going on incessantly, and it didn't bother me. It actually felt good...thye got to be heard.
Let me clarify here, I don't throw them out of my office. I give them their time, I just am good at getting the info I need in a short amount of time. Am I callous? I probably come off that way sometimes.


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