Friday, November 05, 2004


A few hours ago I was ready to write a book here. But I ended up working on a quilt which involves running a professional quilting machine. I do a lot of thinking there.
The old Grace can't stand to think about birthdays, getting older, wanting to turn back time.
This morning I woke with a little jingle in my head.....just a sing/song thing..." I am the birthday girl, the birthday girl, the birthday girl." Good start.
I received the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, from a friend who resides in Texas. He used to live here. We've been friends for about 13 years. He's gay, not that that matters...but we're just friends. Pretty good friends I guess, but nothing close to Dina and my relationship. The card said "I love you" and it had a funny name that is a joke between us. We've never said those words to each other in 13 years. Odd.

A part of me wants to be 6 again- ever hear of the poem? Parties, cake, presents....the biggest concern at that age was who got the flower on their piece of cake. Tonight it was quiet, just mom, Dina and Siobhan. We went out to dinner, where that was loud, but it was an intimate celebration. Means more.
I admire Siobhan. She often wanders into store, putters. Today she sat in Barnes and Noble for awhile- sometimes she does it for hours. She just absorbs knowledge; many topics. I want to putter, 'waste' away an afternoon. Feels good for the soul. But I feel like if I did it, I wasted time. There are so many quilts or projects I want to do or could be doing. Of course, there's housework or laundry; there always will be. I think I did do it a few weeks ago, just puttered around the house, then I feel guilty, like I wasted the weekend.
It makes me want to hurry and catch up on all my projects so I can do it the week of Thanksgiving when I am off.
Tonight I got to be on the receiving end of getting a gift that comes from the heart. When I make a quilt for Dina or Siobhan, it usually means something. One looked like a bookcase. And most of the books had titles on them that meant something to her. The 'shelves' included candlesticks, vases, actual photos of her family.
All 3 of us possess the 'same' quilt....3 ladies sitting on a couch, we each have one which I made...details like hair color, glasses and what is in their hands pertain to each of us...personalized. And all 3 of us have a 'woobie'. It is a flannel lap quilt made of fabric that is called "True Friends". When we go to Lancaster we all bring our woobies.
I like to see the person's face when they receive a "Grace original" made for them; specifically for them. Tonight Siobhan gave me an art book she made. On the cover was quilt angel and my face was pasted on it from a picture. More pictures in side and little vignettes, some we really laughed at and I told her I want to edit her photos! Some we really sweet and sentimental. I know what it feels like now to receive something made especially for you, from the heart.....those gifts are always the best.


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