Saturday, May 19, 2007

here I am

They changed the blogger account thing awhile ago and I had the hardest time getting switched over, but finally here I am. Soooooooooo much is going on. My official last day of work is June 4th. Then the store opens June 5th.
Utah was great. Tina and I went to Quilt Market. We saw over 500 vendors, ordered fabric and took 7 classes. We went from 6am to 8 pm. It was exhausting but we learned so much. The only thing we saw of Utah was the cab ride back and forth each day from the hotel to the convention center, but the mountains were beautiful.
I paid an extra week of rent so I get the key the 24th. Then on the 26th I rented a moving truck and some friends will help move my machine and what products I have received.
It is like Christmas here. I have had the first shipments delivered to the house since no one would be at the store to get them and we didn't want to wait until June. I need the products to open! I ordered the computer Monday and it arrived Wednesday. Last night the door bell rang at 6 pm and it was UPS with 7 boxes of fabric. Those boxes are over 60 pounds each. The guy puts them in the front room and I had to take them out to a storage area later. There are some things in the front room too heavy to move. I knew we'd have stuff piled everywhere! I liked getting the books this week, I flipped through all of them!
I need my 'thinking time' to decide about classes and a newsletter, but there is no time for that yet. I will be using a Point of Sale system so inputting all that inventory will be time consuming. I'm not that computer literate and Tina is worried she will let me down. We'll see what happens!


Blogger rimalicious said...

How exciting! Thanks for the update!

8:45 PM  

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