Tuesday, August 02, 2005

how insignificant

I don't get it. A woman I play cards with and who cuts my hair, collapsed at a gathering Thursday night. My mom was sitting next to her. The woman's name is Angie. She always had a way of making people special, calling you pumpkin or honey or sweetheart. She played by her rules. She did what she wanted....but didn't hurt anyone by doing it. They say an aneurysm burst in her head. They say there is little brain activity. She has a living will. She just turned 55 a few months ago.
They turned off the machine Sunday night...She is breathing on her own, but no change.
Today my aunt sent home a pie for my grandmother, who thinks it has mold on it. She called my aunt and left a message for her. She also called my mother. Mom told her to put the pie in the fridge and my aunt will get the receipt and take it back. Gram calls back in a tizzy because she doesn't know what to do with the pie. It probably cost less than $5.
Angela is dying in a hospital bed. Life is so short and people are concerned about a friggin pie that cost a few dollars. How insignifcant.


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